
1. CHI PLAY: Student game design competition

The CHI PLAY Student Game Competition will provide a unique opportunity for students to showcase their interactive play systems and designs. Students will need to submit a video of their game as well as proof of student status (full-time or part-time, all levels up to Ph.D.). A jury panel will nominate the best submissions for an interactive presentation at the conference, where a panel of experts choose the winners. These nominated teams have to send at least one student member who will attend the conference. This team member is expected to present the game during the Student Game Competition Event and take part in the award ceremony. Supervisors are NOT accepted to present the game nor to accept the award. Registration and full attendance of at least one student from the team at the CHI PLAY 2017 conference is mandatory.

2. ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST)

The ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is an international forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge among researchers and developers concerned with virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) software and technology. VRST provides an opportunity for VR/AR researchers to interact, share new results, show live demonstrations of their work, and discuss emerging directions for the field. The event is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI and SIGGRAPH.

3. I3D: ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games

I3D is the leading conference for real time 3D computer graphics and human interaction. 2017 marks the 31st year since the first conference. We invite you to submit papers across the entire range of topics of interaction, interactive 3D graphics, and games. The fall deadline provides the perfect outlet for your summer work.

As in the past, I3D will be held immediately before the Game Developers Conference (GDC), also in San Francisco. This is an excellent opportunity to attend both conferences and see both research and application in real time 3D computer graphics.

4. CIG: IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games

Games can be used as a challenging scenery for benchmarking methods from computational intelligence since they provide dynamic and competitive elements that are germane to real-world problems. This conference brings together leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss recent advances and explore future directions in this field.

The IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games is the premier annual event for researchers applying computational and artificial intelligence techniques to games. The domain of the conference includes all sorts of CI/AI applied to all sorts of games, including board games, video games and mathematical games.

5. The International Conference on E-learning and Games (Edutainment)

The International Conference on E-learning and Games (Edutainment) has over the last decade become a major international event for academics, practitioners and industry experts which combines knowledge dissemination and exchange in the areas of education and entertainment. Edutainment stands for education and entertainment, and the event covers not only research-related issues for fields such as game-based learning but also the aspects of learning experiences which may be gained from different types of digital entertainment.

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Honglei Han 韩红雷



Honglei Han 韩红雷的主页

Honglei Han from CUC 中国传媒大学 游戏设计 韩红雷 科研信息 所带课程 个人介绍 开源项目 创作的部分古体诗 Unity 3D 游戏引擎 Game Engine 游戏开发 计算机图形学 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality 程序设计 Programming

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