

After auto-upgrade of SourceTree, the UI tool lost the ability to authenticate using SSH keys when I need to Push. However, if I go to the Terminal window, it asks me for password, and completes the PUSH command.

How to solve

I finally got it to authenticate by updating the embedded git (didn’t fit it alone) and deleting AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\passwd. Restarted SourceTree and it prompted for my password. Pushes then started working again.

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Honglei Han 韩红雷



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Honglei Han from CUC 中国传媒大学 游戏设计 韩红雷 科研信息 所带课程 个人介绍 开源项目 创作的部分古体诗 Unity 3D 游戏引擎 Game Engine 游戏开发 计算机图形学 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality 程序设计 Programming

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