1. Unity游戏引擎视频教程系列

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2. Object-Oriented Game Programming 面向对象游戏程序设计

《面向对象的游戏程序设计》主要任务是介绍 C++ 语言中的数据类型,运算,语句结构及其程序设计的基本方法。

目的是使学生掌握一门高级程序设计语言,了解面向对象程序设计的基本概念与方法,进而学会利用 C++ 语言学会解决一般应用问题,并为后续的专业课程奠定程序设计基础。


3. Game Physics 游戏物理学

Letting users feel the sense of reality is an important goal in game developing. By applying the laws of physics, you can realistically model nearly everything in, for example, bounces around, flies, rolls, slides, and collide between objects. Some more complex physics model can be simulated, such as fluid, cloth and exploit and so on. This course starts with basics of kinematics and dynamics. The methods of how to simulate physics in real world using computer will be introduce, with some sample programs. A physics engine will be introduced which should be used to practice speculative knowledge.

真实感是现代游戏设计追求的一个重要目标。我们引入描述客观世界规律的物理定律, 以便真实感地模拟游戏中弹跳、飞行、翻滚、滑行、物体间的碰撞等行为,甚至流体、布料及爆炸等较为难模拟的物理模型。本课程从运动学与力学的基础讲起,借助一些范例程序,介绍游戏开发中模拟真实世界物理现象的基本方法,并且通过使用一款游戏物理引擎来将理论知识应用到实践中。

4. Basics of Game Programming 游戏开发程序设计基础


该课程主要任务是游戏设计系学生进行游戏编程的入门课程学习,使学生掌握游戏开发基本知识、C语言程序设计的语法规则及相关的基本概念。主要内容侧重C语言基础知识,包括程序设计思路、C语言语法基础、Visual C++工具学习使用等,结合上机实践使学生学会程序设计的基本方法和技巧,为进一步培养和提高学生综合编程的能力打好基础。

5. Principle and Application of Game Engine 游戏引擎原理及应用



This course is mainly talking about what the function of game engine as the core of a game, the developing tendency of it, the contents of it, the implementation of it, etc. We will focus on the implementation theory of game engine, also, we will compare the classic engines with their advantages and weaknesses, so that the students will understand game engine more deeply. This course will lay the foundation for students to develop a game in game engine later.

A commercial game engine will be introduced in the course. Students will study this game engine to develop games, and review speculative knowledge.




Honglei Han 韩红雷的主页

Honglei Han from CUC 中国传媒大学 游戏设计 韩红雷 科研信息 所带课程 个人介绍 开源项目 创作的部分古体诗 Unity 3D 游戏引擎 Game Engine 游戏开发 计算机图形学 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality 程序设计 Programming

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