• :microscope: Some game and computer graphics related conferences can be found here

Player Experience Information Evaluation in 3D Virtual Environments

This is the project repository of the paper.

A method to evaluate the amount of information a player can get during the process of exploring in a virtual scene is proposed. A novel perception probability estimation method is used to decide the probability distribution among task-related objects in the scene. The perception probability is then used into Shannon entropy equation to calculate the experience information amount. A user study is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the method proposed. The potential use of the method in the application of player type classification is presented in a game scene along with a questionnaire system.

Under the Movement of Head: Evaluating Visual Attention in Immersive Virtual Reality Environment

This is the project repository of the paper.

This paper presents a method to measure what and how deep the user can perceive when exploring virtual reality environments using a head mounted display. A preliminary user study was conducted to verify that user gaze behavior has specific differences in immersive virtual reality environments compared with that in conventional, non-immersive virtual reality environments, which are based on a desktop screen. Gathered from the study result for gaze behavior, the users experiencing immersive virtual reality environments are more likely to adjust their head movement to center interesting objects in their vision. Based on this finding, a quantitative method is proposed to measure the user’s visual attention in such a virtual reality environment. In application part, a user personalized storyboard has been designed to capture the user’s most regarded views as key frames that can depict users’ exploration experience in immersive virtual reality environments.


2D tower defense game based on Unity.




  • 2014年“Fancy3D原创游戏大赛”校园组 最佳表现奖,北京青果灵动科技有限公司与创意云平台,北京2014年
  • 2015年“中国动漫游戏创投奖”游戏类 创投提名奖,中国动画学会,深圳2015年


  • 制作人:韩红雷
  • 指导老师:费广正、成星
  • 策划:黄邦宁、吴婉乔
  • 程序:徐婵婵
  • 美术:李萌、邹悦、张思雨
  • 单位:中国传媒大学艺术学部


This is a demo Unity 3D project for education purpose. It has many typical game features as list below:

  • 3rd Person controller
  • Using Mecanim
  • Enemy patrol, and react
  • Weapon system
  • Adding interactive items
  • Dropping random items
  • UI

A demo using Leapmotion in VR environment

A tower defense game in VR environment using Leapmotion as the interactive method.

There are two methods to play this game. One is traditional method, using keyboard and mouse. The other one is using VR glasses and leap motion hand controller.


Use Microsoft MFC, and use skin to beautify. Can generate the lucky numbers randomly.


Used in Honglei Han’s PHD study and graducation. Please check the readme.doc for more details.

Samples of my book Game Development Programming Foundation

Samples of all chapters in the book Game Development Programming Foundation

They are all programmed using C/C++ language, and built successfully in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 using Win32 framwork.

In some PC that never installed Visual Studio, may require Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package which can be downloaded from here.


You can open all samples in the Visual Studio project named GameDevelopmentHan, or you can open them separately from their own folders using Visual Studio.

More information please check from the book here, or here.

User Study of the Paper Implicit measures of user attention in virtual environment navigation

User Study of the Paper Implicit measures of user attention in virtual environment navigation

Abstract: The eye-tracker device is the main tool to obtain visual attention. However, it is hard to be applied in the 3D virtual scene navigatipron because of its poor reliability, great complexity and high price. We propose a new attention measure metric which can be easily embedded in the virtual environment. Behaviors of virtual camera controlled by the user are regarded as implicit expression of visual attention. The implicit expression is parameterized by the observed object’s distance to the center of the camera, occlusion, projected area, and observation time. A sophisticated user study experiment is designed to verify the reliability of this kind of measurement. The proposed implicit measurement of user attention can be effectively applied to an application of user attention aided game design.

This is the user study Unity 3D application of this paper.

During user navigating, all attention evaluation parameters, proposed in this paper, of different saliency game object will be recorded in different files located in folder Output. The player navigate behavior will be recorded as well.

After collect enough samples, a user attention measure result of different saliency level game object will be obtained. The attention value can be calculated based on these parameters using the method proposed in the paper.

Linear Texture Coordinate Interpolation in Rasterization

This is the source project of paper Linear Texture Coordinate Interpolation in Rasterization in Chinese.

You can also find the information of this paper in the publications page here

Abstract A new algorithm is presented for correct texture coordinate interpolation in rasterization. By dividing the 3D ploygon into line segments parallel to the viewing plane, the algorithm performs texture coordinate interpolations along these line segments, so that correct results can be obtained with linear computation, without the division operations as used in existing methods for rasterization. For the errors from discretization in rasterization, supplementary measures are provided to correct them gradually. Experiment results show the effectiveness and efficiency of the new algorithm.

Howt to use

  • 使用打开文件打开一张tga格式的纹理(比如棋盘.tga),也可以直接将tga图片拖拽上去。
  • 点击R按钮可以再OpenGL绘制和自主栅格化之间切换。
  • 点击C可以调整三角形的几何信息;以及采取哪种栅格化方式(两种:文章提出的KIM,以及我们提出的WANG)。
  • 使用方向键以及换页键可以调整视角。
  • 每种栅格化方式的时间在窗口中给出,单位毫秒。
  • 如果Raster.exe运行不正确,请首先安装vcredist_x86.exe here
  • 大部分算法在Raster.cpp中,并有注释。
  • 增加了调整纹理坐标精度的选项,可以调整保留到纹理坐标小数点后几位。
  • 程序退出后,会在当前文件夹下生成OutPut.txt文件,里面保存了各种栅格化算法的统计数据。

OpenGL MFC Framework

A MFC framework for OpenGL applications. It can be used as a startup project for OpenGL applications based on MFC.

The features are listed below.

  • How to configure environment parameters for OpenGL application, and the release stuff when application exits.
  • Some fallible issues when developing OpenGL application based on MFC, such as twinkle effect when the window changes.
  • Some issues should be considered when implementing `scroll view’
  • How to open a TGA file into an OpenGL application.

2D character animation based on standing foot to avoid sliping

This is the source project of paper 基于分层图像的建模与漫游 in Chinese.

You can also find the information of this paper in the publications page here

  • More information, please feel free to visit my personal website here.

本程序实现的功能是 利用用户交互来得到比较真实的动画。

本程序所使用的技术有 spline曲线拟合等。


需要首先设定2个程序运行参数:第一是所要调入Gif图像的文件名(如果不再当前文件夹下,需要指定详细路径);第二是所调入角色运动的朝向(r表示向右,l表示向左)。 比如,用户需要处理名为brachio的gif角色动画,则需要在bat文件中输入必要参数如下:

AnmTest.exe brachio.gif r

A name card design template for staff of Animation School in CUC

A name card design used for staff in Animation School in CUC.

The file can be open in Adobe Illustrator

The design elements are all from the others or internet.

Word Formatting

How to format your doc using Microsoft Word. Introducing some skills and tricks to use functions in Word software to format a neat document.


Honglei Han 韩红雷的主页

Honglei Han from CUC 中国传媒大学 游戏设计 韩红雷 科研信息 所带课程 个人介绍 开源项目 创作的部分古体诗 Unity 3D 游戏引擎 Game Engine 游戏开发 计算机图形学 虚拟现实 Virtual Reality 程序设计 Programming

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